About Us

Our Foundation

Our mission to ensure that every child has the opportunity to obtain a great education. Many children are not fortunate enough to attend a wonderful school with excellent teachers. We realize that to make a profound difference in the world, we have to start with the children. Knowledge and learning are essential to succeed in life. Let's help children worldwide to obtain this goal, they are our future and hope.
Remember, Always Be Kind.

Press Kit

If you would like to write a story about us, please send a message to hello@AlwaysBeKindFoundation

 We are helping children gain an opportunity to learn and prosper. A great education will open doors for the next generation.

 Many children are not able to afford books and learning materials. We are helping to provide the tools they need to succeed.

 Help us ensure that each child across the globe obtains a great education. This is our mission, Always Be Kind.